Bring some cash
Just in case you have issues getting cash from an ATM. Most banks should be able to assist you, but only within opening hours.
The mass majority of beaches are public
Not all beach facilities are through. In the case of Hotels, the beach might be accessible, but that does NOT give you the right to make orders or use their facilities without permission. Some hotels will have a fee to take advantage of their facilities. There is one exception to this, the resorts located on the Pigeon Island Causeway do have the right to prevent you access to the beach, but they generally don’t.
Service Charge & VAT
Most establishments offer some percentage of service charge. Usually around 10% – a percentage on top of the bill. So, if you calculate your tab, and it’s $100, the final bill may likely be a little higher $110. VAT (value added tax) can also be included in some places, but often already calculated in the menu items.
Dress appropriately
Caribbean life is not all short pants and no shirts. Expect to dress appropriately when entering specific establishments, such as Banks, Malls etc. Some restaurants may also expect a dress up attire, fine dining restaurants and the like.
We drive on the left!
This one is for our American friends. Please remember this fact, and keep your attention and wits about you, if you forget this, you could end up in a less than happy predicament.